Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bad naked

Nothing profound to say, no great revelation, no clear direction... and yet...I KNOW He's here.
You know... there's 'good naked' and 'bad naked'. I can't help but remember the Seinfeld episode about "bad naked". Sometimes the fig leaf just seems like it needs to be a WHOLE lot bigger...
There's certain 'soul nakedness' I have grown used to. I don't mind sharing stuff as long as someone asks me, and I'm being honest. I also don't mind going first. Sometimes this kind of naked is followed by UNDERstanding or a flow of of mutual honesty. This is GOOD naked, in my opinion.
Bad naked? Coming with nothing. Being honest about NOT having a plan NOT knowing what to say, NOT having direction. It's like a 'less than' spiritual place. My flesh really hates it.
I've grown to a place where if I have nothing...I don't feel the freedom to just 'fill in the blanks"...with SOMEthing... but I don't think I've been mature E-NOUGH to realize in the moment that this is actually a GOD-thing, (or at least a good thing that's just in disguise for a while) and to not feel bad about it.

Just writing about it... bad naked. Well, unless you understand or would like to be honest back.

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